5 Questions to ask before becoming a foster carer
- Blogs and News

We're often surprised when people tell us things they've heard about fostering and reasons why people can't become foster carers, which simply aren't true!
That's why we're having a myth busting March to show that your ability to be a great foster carer is nothing to do with your age, gender, marital status, background etc.
If you can answer yes to most of the questions below, we think you're in a great position to become an amazing foster carer!
1. Do you have the time to foster?
Do you have enough flexibility in your life to allow you to prioritise the needs of a child?
This could mean you have a flexible or part-time job, you have a network of family and friends to support you, or you're considering a change of career to become a foster carer. Part-time (respite) and short breaks care are ideal types of fostering for anyone who is unable to foster full-time or would like to transition to full-time fostering over-time.
2. Do I have people who will support me?
The saying ‘it takes a village’ rings true! Being a foster carer is a demanding but rewarding role and sometimes you’ll find you need a helping hand.
You’ll have a dedicated social worker who is there to support you, but having family and friends to lend a hand when needed makes all the difference.
3. Is it the right time for my family?
Choosing to foster means you are welcoming a child into you home and making them a part of your family and life for as long as they are with you.
The whole family needs to be on-board, especially those living in the same household. Foster carers children play a valuable role in helping new children feel welcomed into the family home.
4. Will I be able to say goodbye?
Whilst every child is different, so is every foster carers journey. You may start as a short-term foster carer and then 10 years later the child who first came to you could still be with you!
Fostering can be unpredictable, and you may need to prepare yourself for children moving back to family or on to their permanent home. Our foster carers tell us that despite the goodbye’s, the reward of making a difference in a child’s life is always worth it.
5. Can I open my heart and home to children?
If you’ve read this far that’s probably easy to answer!
By opening your heart and home you can provide the love, care and support to a child to help them feel secure and thrive. As a foster carer, you could be a part of the most important moments in a child’s life and help change their life for the better.
“If you offer a lot of love, it does come back to you. It may not look like it does on the TV or in the movies, but it does come back eventually.”
Foster carer Phil
Information Evenings
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- Part time (Respite) Carers
- Fostering teenagers
- A young persons story
- LGBTQ Fostering
- Fostering and ethnicity
- Care Day
- Fostering babies
- Fostering siblings
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- Single foster carer
- Sons and daughters
- Disabled foster carer
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- Fostering and pets
- Fostering at Christmas
- Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
- Father's Day
- A young persons' story
- Muslim fostering