Despite the goodbyes, it’s the best thing I've ever done
- Fostering Stories
- Tags: Fostering babies , Single foster carer

Paula has been fostering babies for over 16 years. She recently shared her experience and told us why despite the goodbyes, it’s the best thing she’s ever done.
After Paula sadly lost her partner, she began to think about her future career. When a neighbour of her Mum’s suggested fostering, Paula began to consider it.
Paula told us;
“When I got that first call to ask if I could take a baby, I was so excited and nervous at the same time I burnt my son’s sausages!”
Paula’s looked after some babies for only a few days, and others have been with her for up to three years.
“Every child is different, with different needs, but within a week of being loved, cared for and given attention, you can see the difference. It’s like a light goes on in their eyes and they start to thrive.”
“When I first became a foster carer, I didn’t for a minute think I could love a child like I do my own. But I do and I wouldn’t be doing my job if I did love them and get attached.”
Moving babies on
“When babies move on, I am heartbroken but happy to know that the child is going to be safe and well cared for. I use the time to get my house in order, go out and have a ball with my friends, until I’m ready to do it all again!”
Paula told us how the toddlers warm to her son and ask to play with him!
“My son is brilliant with them. Even though he’s had to sacrifice things (like having friends over late), I have seen him well up when we’ve been saying goodbye to a little one.”
Working with birth parents
“I’ve always developed a good relationship with the parents. I can’t not, because these beautiful babies have come from them."
"I supported one mother quite a lot. When we first met, she didn’t speak a word of English and by the time she took the baby home she was true “scouse!”
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and I’d be bored without it! When a baby arrives, the house lights up and becomes a different place. I get a chance to go all out for Christmas and Halloween and I love it (I’m like a big kid!).” Paula
Paula's fostering social worker told us why Paula thoroughly deserved special recognition from the fostering service.
“Paula deserves the recognition as a single foster carer for her dedication and commitment to working with children. Paula has a lovely way about her when working with children and their families she always manages to have a positive working relationship with parents and is pro-active in providing them with memories of the children whilst in her care. Paula you are a STAR!!"
Paula's Social Worker
We're looking for baby carers
Could you provide a nurturing home to help a baby thrive?
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