Foster carer follows in Mum’s Footsteps
- Fostering Stories
- Tags: Fostering siblings

Tony and Vicky thought about fostering for a long time, because of the experiences they had whilst Tony’s Mum was a foster carer. Being a part of a fostering family gave them an insight into the rewards and challenges that fostering can bring.
Now they share their own challenges, experiences and rewards as a new foster family.
"It’s difficult these days to find a career or vocation where what you get back what you put in. If you’re looking for hard work and reward, fostering a perfect fit."
Tony, Foster Carer
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Even though Vicky and Tony knew what to expect, at the start, fostering two siblings during lockdown, who had arrived straight from school, was a challenge for everyone.
“One of the mistakes we made was to try and change their lives really quickly, by giving them things they hadn’t had before, then after a week we realised we needed a structure and boundaries”
Tony and Vicky’s fostering social worker buddied them up with an experienced foster carer to give them extra support and advice. “Vicky speaks to her three to four times a week. She’s been brilliant”
Tony and Vicky learnt and adapted, and soon established a routine that is working well for everyone.
“They’ve settled in really well, they love their bedrooms, it’s just simple things like they know what to do every day, and they know what’s expected of them, which helps them relax and puts everyone at ease.”
“In four months the transformation has been amazing, their confidence, their manners and they look so healthy…it gives us that reward to show we’re doing well and that they are happy.”
- Part time (Respite) Carers
- Types Of Fostering
- Fostering teenagers
- A young persons story
- LGBTQ Fostering
- Fostering and ethnicity
- Care Day
- Fostering babies
- Fostering siblings
- Fostering community
- Single foster carer
- Sons and daughters
- Disabled foster carer
- Training
- Fostering and pets
- Fostering at Christmas
- Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
- Father's Day
- A young persons' story
- Muslim fostering