It's Children's Mental Health Week!
- Blogs and News
The 5th - 11th February is Children's mental health week, so we have pulled together a few resources to help support children's wellbeing.
Throughout the week there's a range of online and in-person events you can take part in, including Now Festival 24 which will take place on the 6th, 7th and 8th February. The festival will be held at The Liverpool Lighthouse.
We understand it is important that we listen to what young people have to say, without offering up any advice or judgment. That's why we love this year's theme - 'My Voice Matters'.
10 Ways To Calm Down
1. Breathe in and out slowly 10 times
2. Squeeze a stress ball
3. Take a break and get a drink of water
4. Talk to a grown-up
5. Read a magazine or book
6. Draw a picture about it
7. Write about your feelings
8. Do some stretches
9. Think of something happy
10. Hug someone
Resource Links
We have put together a list of free resources that we think would be helpful;
- Kooth - This website provides mini activities to boost your wellbeing, a judgement-free forum where you can get advice, help others and share your story, and much more.
- CAMHS - This website contains links to tickets for a festival that will take place over three nights at the Liverpool Lighthouse in Anfield, it also contains links to many other events and websites.
- YPASS - This shows us what events will be held in the week of the 5th - 11th February. Links to therapy and wellbeing services and support.
- Resources for families - To help support children with their mental health.
Our Young Inspectors thoughts about fostering
Our Young Inspectors, are young people from North and South Liverpool. They are aged between 8-14 years old and are trained to quality assure young people’s provision and capture other Young People’s voice. They recently shared their thoughts about what we should ask anyone wanting to be a foster carer.
We have been working with our Children in care council, to help create a guide for children and young people as they come into a care to show they are not alone! If the young person that you care for wants to get involved and share their voice, they can visit Local Offer Young Person's Zone.
Here are some questions for foster carers that the young inspectors felt were important:
- How do you see the first 3 months with the child? What would be the priority?
- How would the child fit into your family and lifestyle?
- What / how do you feel about children?
- How would you welcome the child?
- How do you plan to help / support the child?
- What’s your reason for fostering?
- What qualities do you have that make you a good foster parent?
- Sons and Daughters Month
- Fostering and ethnicity
- A young persons story
- Disabled foster carers
- Fostering Siblings
- Fostering Babies
- Muslim Fostering
- Training
- LGBTQ Fostering
- Fostering and pets
- Fostering Community
- Fostering during a pandemic
- Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
- Fostering Teenagers
- Fostering at Christmas
- Foster Carer Blog
- Father's Day
- Single Foster Carer
- Respite Foster Care
- Sons and Daughters
- Black and mixed heritage children,
- Short Breaks Care