The greatest gift is feeling like you belong
- Fostering Stories
- Tags: A young persons story , Care Day

We were privileged to hear Kristian speak so openly at our ‘stand by me’ children’s artwork event about growing up in foster care. Here's we share more of his story, showing how the love, care and attention from his foster carers have helped him in life.
At the age of six, Kristian was fostered by Mary and Bob and from day one he felt part of their family, giving him the security and care he needed.
Shortly before his 18th Birthday, Kristian was adopted by Mary and Bob and now 10 years on it’s clear to see that Kris is a positive, confident, and ambitious person.
People in care should be able to speak openly about their experiences. That family putting their heart out for you and doing their very best to give you that support, that you didn't have for the months or years before. Kristian
Kris's Story
"When I was young I had additional needs, probably due to my needs not being met in my early years, so having that one-to-one care and attention from my foster carers was the best thing that could have happened to me.
I couldn’t talk properly until I was around 8 or 9, but my foster carers stuck with me, they gave me their undivided attention, sat with me every night to do my homework and took time and patience to listen to me.
My early experiences will probably affect me for the rest of my life, but I’ve not let it hold me down. If I’m going to do something, I’m going to try my very hardest. I’ve still be able to do the things I want to do.
They never let me down. Anything I wanted to do, they supported me to try new things. Because I felt secure with them and accepted as part of their family, I looked to them for help in making decisions throughout my life, which I think helped me make the right ones.
A lot of people I meet don’t understand why I am so positive about my life being in care, because it’s always seen as a negative thing due to the stories and stigma’s that exist.
I remember when I was around 13 and I’d been away with the Sea Cadets and when I came back, two little girls were at my home with their brother. I was ecstatic to have other brothers and sisters to look after and give them the support I’ve been given and to say to them – it’s ok to be in care, it’s ok to speak about it."
"If you can give a child that stability and security, they will feel loved, and if they feel they can love you it makes everything so much easier. Don’t let the 'what if’s' stand in your way!"
Get in touch
Have you been inspired by Kris's story? If you want to find out more about making a difference in a child's life please get in touch.
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