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From MADLUG with Love
- Blogs and News

MADLUG (Make A Difference Luggage) is the first company of its kind. They donate bags to young people within the care system as part of an innovative ‘buy one give one away’ approach to raise awareness of the value and worth of children in care. A shipment of 1000 bags recently made its way from Madlug's offices in Northern Ireland to our Fostering Service, who will be delighted to distribute the bags along with their powerful, positive message to local children in care.
Every bag sends a powerful message ‘You are incredible’, to remind each child that they have value, worth and dignity.
Phil Watson, a foster carer who now works as part of the Liverpool City Council Fostering Service says,
“As foster carers, one of our roles is to give the children a sense of dignity. A Madlug bag is just a simple way of showing a child that somebody somewhere cares about them. And it's really useful!”
"Every one of our customers has purchased a Madlug bag because they believe that children and young people in care are incredible and should never have their lives moved in bin bags. I am excited to be able to partner with Liverpool City Council to enable 1000 young people to have proper bags when they move within the system.” Dave Linton, Founder of Madlug
- Part time (Respite) Carers
- Fostering teenagers
- A young persons story
- LGBTQ Fostering
- Fostering and ethnicity
- Fostering babies
- Fostering siblings
- Fostering community
- Single foster carer
- Sons and daughters
- Disabled foster carer
- Training
- Fostering and pets
- Fostering at Christmas
- Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
- Father's Day
- A young persons' story
- Muslim fostering