Fostering During a Pandemic!
- Fostering Stories

Becoming foster carers is without a doubt both exciting and nerve wracking under normal circumstances, but when Coronavirus and lockdown arrived, this added a whole other dimension to Tony and Vicky’s new role as foster carers!
Everyone who has worked with them has commented about how well Vicky and Tony are doing already. Family support worker, Michelle said: "Vicky and Tony have made a huge difference to the children’s lives already. They have overcome many challenges especially through this COVID-19 period”
Whilst lockdown has undoubtedly presented extra challenges, Tony said, he and Vicky just remind themselves the situation at the moment isn’t normal for anyone.
“When we’re finding it hard, we say to each other - If we can do it now, we can do it anytime. If anything, learning as we go in really challenging times, is giving us confidence to deal with situations in the future”
Tony said the skills to foster training they went on during assessment, and the support given from the fostering team and other foster carers has helped them overcome the challenges.
Social Worker Martin said: "It's been a steep learning curve for Vicky and Tony, but they have showed great enthusiasm from the start and have not been afraid to ask for help. They have gone above and beyond, and have been creative in how they have kept the boys occupied, trying to include a learning element in their activities"
"They loved being able to choose their own bedding, and see their bedroom furniture arrive. Even in this short space of time, they’ve started to call our house ‘their house’ which is really nice." Vicky
Tony told us: "We established a routine that works for everyone early on and it’s great to see the development already in the children. Just simple things like a consistent bedtime and washing hands. They are really excited about being able to experience new things that we take for granted, like enjoying mealtimes together, trying different foods like making pizza and having BBQ’s and burn”
“We’ve been able to set up online contact with their brothers and sisters and birth family online, which has been really nice for them and we’ve been out for long walks and bought them scooters so they can burn off all that energy – as they have a lot!”
"Don’t get me wrong, it has been really hard at times, but when we take a moment to sit and reflect on little things the children have said or done, it’s then we realise the progress we are all making." Tony
Could you be the difference?
Could you help to give children in your local community a chance of some normality during a difficult time?
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