What is fostering?
Fostering is a fun, challenging, rewarding, and flexible role...
Foster carers provide love, support, and security for children and young people under 18 who aren’t able to live with their birth parents. There are many reasons why this maybe the case. Many children in care will have experienced abuse or neglect or for some it maybe because their parents are unwell. Every child's background and life experiences are different.
When a child comes into the local authority's care, it is always because of issues outside their control. It is never their fault or responsibility and they just need a safe and secure home, with caring adults, who want to make a positive impact on their lives and future.

As a foster carer, you can provide local children with a nurturing environment where they can have positive experiences and enjoy being children. By supporting them emotionally and encouraging their development and learning, you could make an extraordinary difference to their lives.
Whatever the child or young person's past experiences, we will provide you with all the necessary specialist support and guidance to really make a difference to a child's future!
There are different types of fostering to suit your skills, lifestyle and availability - from respite and short term, to long term - permanent placements until the young person reaches independence.
Fostering is about providing love, guidance, and consistency (always being there!)
Bianca's foster carers helped her believe in herself, which gave her the confidence to realise her potential. By always being there to listen, support and encourage Bianca, her foster carers allowed her to see her future and feel strong enough to overcome any hurdles that come her way. Read Bianca's Story.
When you foster with Liverpool, we're with you all the way
We are here to support you every step of the way with specialist one to one support from your own social worker, ongoing training and development, access to specialist services across the council and beyond and a whole community of foster carers to connect with for mentoring and peer support. Find out more about the support and benefits we offer.